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Nonghyup Hansamin

Korean Red Ginseng Root / Good Grade 40ji 600g

Korean Red Ginseng Root / Good Grade 40ji 600g

Regular price $594.00 AUD
Regular price $715.00 AUD Sale price $594.00 AUD
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Good Grade Root 40ji 600g
Packing: 600g (containing 48 pieces of ginseng root) 
A traditional and prestigious ginseng product of Hansamin, Hansamin Ginseng is a 6-year-old Korean red ginseng carefully selected by experienced professionals. It is characterized by high quality and rare varieties. Ginseng can be classified into four grades based on its internal structure, shape, color, and surface: heaven, earth, good, and cut.
Good Grade ginseng is made from the top 10% of high-quality ginseng selected from 6-year-old root ginseng.
高丽参 良参

Củ sâm 
Hồng sâm củ 6 năm tuổi 100% 


6년근 뿌리삼 양삼
포장: 600g (인삼뿌리 48개)
한삼인의 전통으로 숙련된 전문가들이 엄선한 6년근 한국 홍삼입니다. 높은 품질의 제품으로, 인삼은 내부 구조, 모양, 색상, 표면에 따라 천삼, 지삼, 양삼, 절삼의 네 가지 등급으로 분류됩니다.
양삼은 6년근 뿌리삼중에 엄선된 인삼 상위 10%이내의 제품입니다.

Main Benefits of Korean Red Ginseng
- Boost Your Immune System
- Build Stamina & Fight Fatigue
- Promote Healthy Blood Circulation
- Support Healthy Cognitive Function
- Delivers a Plentiful Supply of Antioxidants
- Potential Benefits against cancer
- Many Benefits for Skin
- Boosts Energy

Nonghyup Red Ginseng Hansamin is safe and reliable, for Nonghyup directly manages all processes, from contract farming, manufacturing, quality control and distribution to sales. On behalf of the government, Nonghyup also performs the declaration of ginseng cultivation, guidance on cultivation, and ginseng age determination, as stipulated by law.

Nonghyup Red Ginseng Hansamin has won the grand prize in the Red Ginseng health food category of the NBA National Brand Awards for six consecutive years in South Korea.

제품 사진의 무단도용은 법적 조치가 있을 수 있음

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