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Paul Medison



Regular price $45.00 AUD
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Capacity: 155 ml

Cream with vitamin A and retinol

For improving skin firmness, cleansing pores and smoothing skin texture

Recommended for anti-wrinkle care, firming the skin and narrowing pores!

All creams contain adenosine and niacinamide, which have a illuminating and anti-wrinkle effect!

The cream contains 8 different hyaluronic acids for intense hydration and moisture retention!

Retinol contained in the composition is a highly effective form of vitamin A, necessary for maintaining a healthy skin structure. In particular, it is known for its anti-aging properties. Its regenerative properties help to activate skin cells, which means that retinol has the effect of improving its condition. It reduces wrinkles and fine lines, smoothes pores and supports antioxidant protection.

Vitamin A is essential for the human body. Especially for the eyes, immune system, iron metabolism and mucous membranes. Vitamin A is also very important for the structure of the skin. It stimulates the corneocytes of the top layer of the skin and supports the process of its regeneration. Reduces wrinkles and effectively smoothes the skin surface. In the lower layers of the skin, collagen supports the skin and is responsible for a healthy collagen skeleton that provides a smooth, flexible appearance and fewer wrinkles. Retinol stimulates collagen production. Vitamin A is also a powerful antioxidant, protecting the skin from free radicals and other harmful environmental influences.

The product contains:

• Retinol, or Vitamin A, is known for its anti-aging properties. Its regenerative properties help to activate skin cells, which means that retinol has the effect of improving its condition. It reduces wrinkles and fine lines, smoothes pores and supports antioxidant protection.

• Vitamin PP or Vitamin B3, is a common name for two compounds: niacin (i.e. nicotinic acid) and nicotinamide (i.e. its amide). It has smoothing properties and regulates the activity of sebaceous glands. Ideal for cosmetic products for oily, acne-prone skin. Improves blood supply to the skin.

• Palmitic acid, is a moisturizing, softening substance. This substance is used in pro­skin care products to make it soft and silky. The emollient acts as an "occlusive dressing" protecting the skin against water loss. The emollient applied to the skin causes it to soften, smooth, making it more pleasant to the touch. It has a secondary lubricating effect, inhibiting excessive degreasing of the epidermis surface.

• Shea butter, has a high affinity for epidermal lipids, strengthens intercellular cement, thanks to which it moisturizes, softens and smoothes the skin. Shea butter reduces TEWL (transepidermal escape of water from the skin). The composition includes provitamin A, vitamins F and E and oleic acid (40-60%), stearic acid (20-40%), linoleic acid (4-11%) and other fatty acids, unsaponifiable substances (6-8%), wax esters. It also has anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties. It does not allergize, it can be used on all parts of the skin, even the most sensitive ones. The substances contained in shea butter accelerate the healing of wounds, irritations and inflammation of sunburns. It is a natural sunscreen with a factor of 3-4.

• Codium tomentosum green algae extract, protects the skin.

• Brown algae extract, is a rich source of metabolites that can be used to fight oxidative stress and skin aging. It is worth applying them to sensitive, dry, irritated, capillary skin, also oily and acne-prone.

• Arginine, is an amino acid isolated from algae, which has a moisturizing and antistatic effect neutralizing the surface electrical charge.

• Betaine, TMB, is a plant amino acid. It reduces water loss and creates a film, i.e. a continuous layer on the skin. It moisturizes making the skin softer and smoother.

• Witch hazel, accelerates the process of skin regeneration, effectively rejuvenating it.

• Gluconolactone, this raw material improves skin tone, moisturizes, antiradical and stimulates skin cell renewal. In addition, it increases resistance to irritation caused by detrgents.

• extract from Cartilage jelly, the role of the ingredient is to protect the skin from the harmful effects of external factors.

• Terrestrial mace, keeps the skin in good condition.

• Collagen hydrolysate, collagen is contained in the dermis and is responsible for the elasticity and elasticity of the skin. It has a surface effect on the skin, creates a film that limits the evaporation of water from the deeper layers of the skin, hence it moisturizes.

• Hyaluronic acid sodium, is a substance that intensively moisturizes the skin. The form of hyaluronic acid salts is considered more bioavailable to the skin than pure hyaluronic acid.

• Hydrolyzed hyaluronic acid, facilitates the transport of active substances deep into the skin, has an anti-aging effect. Moisturizes, smoothes, soothes and soothes skin irritations.

• Vitamin E (tocopherol), antioxidant, slows down the aging process of the skin by binding free radicals, which are formed e.g. under the influence of solar radiation and cigarette smoke. It penetrates the skin, strengthens the structures of intercellular cement (reduces TEWL) by which it moisturizes and protects. Prevents the formation of inflammation, damage to blood vessels, improves blood circulation.

• Hyaluronic acid, is a substance that keeps the skin hydrated.


• for mature skin,

• to the skin with the first signs of aging,

• for problematic skin.

How to use:

First of all, you should give your skin enough time to get used to the new active ingredient. First, use a care product with retinol twice a week, because redness may appear at the beginning.

Care retinol is best used in the evening, due to its photosensitive properties. The next day, it is worth applying a product with a filter to your face.

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